Go behind the scenes of this one of a kind concept album
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An indie pop rock album you can't miss
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So you can enjoy the journey from blank page to finished product
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Get to know Wes and the producer of the album, Paul in fun interviews about the making of the album.
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It's like West Wing, but an indie pop rock concept album.
Something needed to be done.
For the past four years I've watched our country turn from a beacon of hope to one of division and hate. I coped with this problem the only way a musician knows how - writing music. I crafted a story together of someone I wish we could choose, one who has his own shortcomings, but his goal is unity, never division. Music is truly a uniting force - and I wrote this album for you with that in mind. Together we can be stronger and show the world that peace and love are the true solutions to our problems.